Have you ever wondered that your pet was thinking? Do you want to enhance your understanding of your dog or cat? Professor Shasta Ewing, a leading animal behaviorist, will be conducting an informative workshop entitled “Understanding Your Pet.” This session will explore animal cognition and behavior commonly demonstrated by our pets. Professor Ewing has studied with the esteemed Drs. Nitz and Francis, authors of My Pet and M. A demonstration of animal training will be given by Professor Edward West. All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Audiocassettes will also be available for purchase.
Location Fee Time
Halpern Hotel $25 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m
Location Fee Time
Halpern Hotel $25 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m
1. Who is going to lead this workshop?
(A) Professor Ewing
(B) Professor West
(C) Participants
(D) Dr. Nitz
(E) Dr. Francis
1. Jawaban : A
Ada di baris ke 2 dan 3. Professor Shasta Ewing, a leading animal behaviorist, will be conducting an informative workshop entitled “Understanding Your Pet.”
Ada di baris ke 2 dan 3. Professor Shasta Ewing, a leading animal behaviorist, will be conducting an informative workshop entitled “Understanding Your Pet.”
2. What is the topic of the workshop?
(A) Photographing wildlife
(B) Animal behavior
(C) Animal duties
(D) How to select a pet
(E) Grooming and caring for pets
2. Jawaban : B
Dijelaskan di baris 4 dan 5. This session will explore animal cognition and behavior commonly demonstrated by our pets.
Dijelaskan di baris 4 dan 5. This session will explore animal cognition and behavior commonly demonstrated by our pets.
3. What is provided with registration?
(A) A recording of a previous workshop
(B) An attendance certificate
(C) A copy of My Pet and Me
(D) A pet-training manual
(E) Certificate of Participation
3. Jawaban : B
Dijelaskan di baris 7 dan 8. All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Audiocassettes will also be available for purchase.
Dijelaskan di baris 7 dan 8. All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Audiocassettes will also be available for purchase.
4. This session will explore animal cognition and behavior commonly demonstrated by our pets. The underlined word means ….
(A) Accordingly
(B) Generally
(C) Specifically
(D) Cordially
(E) Specially
4. Jawaban : B
Commonly artinya umumnya. Accordingly : berturut turut, Generally : umumnya, Specifically : khususnya, Cordially : denga hangat, Specially: istimewa. Jadi jawabannya generally.
Commonly artinya umumnya. Accordingly : berturut turut, Generally : umumnya, Specifically : khususnya, Cordially : denga hangat, Specially: istimewa. Jadi jawabannya generally.
5. All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
The underlined word means ….
(A) Occasional
(B) Presence
(C) Permission
(D) Reception
(E) Prescription
5. Jawaban : B
Attendance artinya kehadiran. Occasional : sekali kali, Presence : kehadiran, Permission : permisi, Reception : resepsi, Prescription : resep. Jadi jawabannya Presence
Attendance artinya kehadiran. Occasional : sekali kali, Presence : kehadiran, Permission : permisi, Reception : resepsi, Prescription : resep. Jadi jawabannya Presence
Text 2 is for question number 6 to 10.
Lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) are devices which amplify light and produce beams of light which are very instance, directional, and pure in color. They can be solid state, gas, semiconductor, or liquid.
When lasers were invented in 1960, some people thought they could be used as ‘death rays’. In the 1980s, the United States experimented with lasers as a defense against nuclear missiles. Nowadays, they are used to identify targets. But apart from military uses, they have many applications in engineering, communications, medicine, and the art.
In engineering, powerful laser beam can be focused on a small area. These beams can heat, melt, or vaporize material in a very precise way. They can be used for drilling diamonds, cutting complex shapes in materials from plastics to steel, for spot welding and for surfacing techniques, such as hardening aircraft engine turbine blades. Laser beams can also be used to measure and align structures.
Lasers are ideal for communications in space. Laser light can carry many more information channels than microwaves because of its high frequency. In addition, it can travel long distances without losing signal strength. Lasers can also be used for information recording and reading. Compact discs are read by lasers.
In medicine, laser beams can treat damaged tissue in a fraction of a second without harming healthy tissue. They can be used in very precise eye operations.
In the arts, lasers can provide fantastic displays of light. Pop concerts are often accompanied by laser displays.
When lasers were invented in 1960, some people thought they could be used as ‘death rays’. In the 1980s, the United States experimented with lasers as a defense against nuclear missiles. Nowadays, they are used to identify targets. But apart from military uses, they have many applications in engineering, communications, medicine, and the art.
In engineering, powerful laser beam can be focused on a small area. These beams can heat, melt, or vaporize material in a very precise way. They can be used for drilling diamonds, cutting complex shapes in materials from plastics to steel, for spot welding and for surfacing techniques, such as hardening aircraft engine turbine blades. Laser beams can also be used to measure and align structures.
Lasers are ideal for communications in space. Laser light can carry many more information channels than microwaves because of its high frequency. In addition, it can travel long distances without losing signal strength. Lasers can also be used for information recording and reading. Compact discs are read by lasers.
In medicine, laser beams can treat damaged tissue in a fraction of a second without harming healthy tissue. They can be used in very precise eye operations.
In the arts, lasers can provide fantastic displays of light. Pop concerts are often accompanied by laser displays.
6. What are lasers?
(A) Solid state
(B) Light Amplification
(C) Semiconductor or liquid
(D) Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(E) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
6. Jawaban : E
Jawanbannya ada di baris pertama. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Jawanbannya ada di baris pertama. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
7. What were the function of lasers when they are invented in the first time/
(A) as a defense against nuclear missiles
(B) to identify targets
(C) to have many application in engineering
(D) as death rays
(E) as medium of communication
7. Jawaban : A
Ada di paragraph ke 2 kalimat ke 2
Ada di paragraph ke 2 kalimat ke 2
8. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
(A) The important of lasers
(B) The invention of lasers
(C) The function of lasers
(D) The advantages of lasers
(E) The history of lasers
8. Jawaban :C
Karena paragraph ke 3 menjelaskan kegunaan dengan kata …. can carry…., ….can travel …., …. can also be used ….
Karena paragraph ke 3 menjelaskan kegunaan dengan kata …. can carry…., ….can travel …., …. can also be used ….
9. On what paragraph we can find the use of lasers as communication tool?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 1 and 2
(D) 4 and 5
(E) 4
9. Jawaban : E
Ada di paragraph 4 kalimat pertama. Lasers are ideal for communications in space.
Ada di paragraph 4 kalimat pertama. Lasers are ideal for communications in space.
10. These are the fields where laser can be used, except……..
(A) Military
(B) Engineering
(C) Economics
(D) Medicine
(E) Art
10. Jawaban : C
Semua fungsi lasers ada di paragraph ke 2 kecuali Economic tidak ada di semua paragraph.
Semua fungsi lasers ada di paragraph ke 2 kecuali Economic tidak ada di semua paragraph.
Text 3 is for question number 11 to 15.
The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all its evolutionary stages to the modern form. It is, in fact, one of the most complete and well-documented chapters in paleontological history. Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about the horse itself, but also with valuable insights into migration of herds and even evidence for speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior.
It has been documented that, almost twelve million years ago at the beginning of the Pliocene age, a horse, about midway through its evolutionary development, crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits are now located, from Alaska into the grasslands of Europe. The horse was the hipparion, about the size of modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period. Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it. By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had become extinct in North America, where they had originated. In Europe they had evolved into an animal very similar to the horse as we know it today. It was the descendent of this horse that was brought by the European colonists to the Americas.
It has been documented that, almost twelve million years ago at the beginning of the Pliocene age, a horse, about midway through its evolutionary development, crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits are now located, from Alaska into the grasslands of Europe. The horse was the hipparion, about the size of modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period. Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it. By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had become extinct in North America, where they had originated. In Europe they had evolved into an animal very similar to the horse as we know it today. It was the descendent of this horse that was brought by the European colonists to the Americas.
11. What is this passage mainly about?
A. The evolution of the horse
B. The migration of horses
C. The modern-day pony
D. The horse was the hipparion
E. The replacement of the anchitheres by the hipparion
11. Jawaban : A
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama, yaitu “The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all its evolutionary stages to the modern form. Paragrap berikutnya juga menjelaskan evolutionary.
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama, yaitu “The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all its evolutionary stages to the modern form. Paragrap berikutnya juga menjelaskan evolutionary.
12. According to the author, fossils are considered valuable for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A. they suggest how the climate may have been
B. they provide information about migration
C. they document the evolution of the horse
D. they maintain a record of life prior to the Miocene Age
E. migratory behavior
12. Jawaban : D
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about the horse itself, but also with valuable insights into migration of herds and even evidence for speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior. Sementara pilihan D tidak berhubungan dengan fossil.
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about the horse itself, but also with valuable insights into migration of herds and even evidence for speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior. Sementara pilihan D tidak berhubungan dengan fossil.
13. The word “it” in sentence, “Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it, refers to
A. anchitheres
B. hipparion
C. Miocene Period
D. Route
E. Europe
13. Jawaban : B
Hipparion pada kalimat di bawah ini dig anti dengan pronoun it di akhir kalimat
Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it.
Hipparion pada kalimat di bawah ini dig anti dengan pronoun it di akhir kalimat
Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was completed replaced by it.
14. The word “extinct” in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. familiar
B. widespread
C. nonexistent
D. tame
E. fertile
14. Jawaban : C
Extinct artinya punah. Familiar: dikenal/akrab, widespread:menyebar luas, nonexistent: punah, tame: jinak, fertile: subur. Jadi jawabannya nonexistent
Extinct artinya punah. Familiar: dikenal/akrab, widespread:menyebar luas, nonexistent: punah, tame: jinak, fertile: subur. Jadi jawabannya nonexistent
15. It can be concluded from this passage that the
A. Miocene Period was prior to the Pliocene
B. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Miocene
C. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Pliocene
D. Pliocene Period was prior to the Miocene
E. Pleistocene Period was earlier than the Miocene
15. Jawaban : D
Terdapat pada paragraph kedua, Masa Pliocene lebih dahulu dari masa Miocene
…. Pliocene age, a horse, about midway through its evolutionary development, crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits are now located, from Alaska into the grasslands of Europe. The horse was the hipparion, about the size of modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period.
Terdapat pada paragraph kedua, Masa Pliocene lebih dahulu dari masa Miocene
…. Pliocene age, a horse, about midway through its evolutionary development, crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits are now located, from Alaska into the grasslands of Europe. The horse was the hipparion, about the size of modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period.
Text 4 is for question number 16 to 17.
895 Don Mills Road, Unit 2375
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
January 19, 2010
Dear Sabrina,
Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Franklin horrific accident. I cant even imagine what you have been doing through for the past ten days. As you know, Frank and I have been coleagues and friends for the past eight year. His tragic loss leaves a terrible void in our office. He was so well-liked and respected by everyine who came into contact with him, both collegues and clients alike. He had tremendeous people skills, and as such, he was a role model in our company and the industry at large.
Sabrina, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while you go through this very difficult cult period. I will support you in any way that you can reach out to me.
Also, please tellthe children how terribly devastated all of us at here at company due their father’s tragic passing.
Sincere sympathy,
Darlene Francis
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5
January 19, 2010
Dear Sabrina,
Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Franklin horrific accident. I cant even imagine what you have been doing through for the past ten days. As you know, Frank and I have been coleagues and friends for the past eight year. His tragic loss leaves a terrible void in our office. He was so well-liked and respected by everyine who came into contact with him, both collegues and clients alike. He had tremendeous people skills, and as such, he was a role model in our company and the industry at large.
Sabrina, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while you go through this very difficult cult period. I will support you in any way that you can reach out to me.
Also, please tellthe children how terribly devastated all of us at here at company due their father’s tragic passing.
Sincere sympathy,
Darlene Francis
16. On what purpose does the writer write the letter?
A. To show her sympathy on Sabrina’s sorrow*
B. To show her beautiful moment with Frank
C. To recall the moment she had with Sabrina
D. To have chat with Sabrina
E. To meet Sabrina
16. Jawaban : A
Terdapat di paragraph pertama, yaitu “Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Franklin horrific accident.”
Terdapat di paragraph pertama, yaitu “Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Franklin horrific accident.”
17. What happened with Frank?
A. He made his colleagues feel amazed
B. He passed his difficult time
C. He moved to another office
D. He passed the exams
E. He got an accident
17. Jawaban : E
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama, yaitu “….when I heard about Franklin horrific accident.”
Terdapat pada paragrap pertama, yaitu “….when I heard about Franklin horrific accident.”

~ Raja Bunglon
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